When the force is strong in you, everything is magical. Life becomes like your birthday mornings as a kid, when you woke and walked about in an assured anticipation of the wonderful birthday gifts you would chance upon all day. When you meet your parents first, maybe arranged around your bed room when you opened your eyes so you wait just a few moments to open your eyes after you wake just to prepare your self for something fantastic. Most often there's nothing, the gifts you get at the end of the day were nowhere near your fantasy in numbers and magnificence but nonetheless you sleep with a inner smile because it was the beautiful tingly anticipation of wonderfulness you carried all day at the base of your stomach that was the real present the day had bestowed.

My day is speckled with magical moments that sneak upon me just as a sigh of wonder escapes my soul about the connection that warms me as it glows stronger. The universe is breathing in my being and I sit in its lap. What I feel inside is reflected in everything around me, suddenly songs that verbalize the very same thought, sometimes word to word that is dancing in my mind. Stars shine brighter, strangers smile at you, the weather changes to reflect your moods and you meet the kind of people you would have handpicked to live in your self designed, custom made world.

It reminds you that in nature time exists as moments. Nature doesn't care about seconds and minutes and hours or even days. Nature lives time in moments. It rained this evening, that was a moment. It’s the full moon today that is a moment. There are a lot of emotional moments, and those are the units of natural time, everything in between two moments is a wait, a bittersweet anticipation. Living in the city one gets so hypnotized by keeping track of the seconds, the minutes, the hour and the rest that we don't even notice the moments. We do notice the big ones. Like a first kiss, or a promotion or a lovely meeting. But the smaller more dense ones- the seconds of nature time, that are much more lighter but more frequent.

The little moments that just blow the idea of the promises of the bigger moments. These beautiful pearls go unnoticed like cheap plastic beads in a noisy mela (fair). It envelops everybody in the city like the pollution that has infiltrated our air so deeply that we have even stopped noticing. The jadedness and grease that covers coat by coat the soft heart of a conscious soul living in a world where the humm of the city with its trucks and zooming cars and blaring television sets completely deafens the tinkling footsteps and the soft knocks of the beautiful moments that make each day. Hearing your thoughts in a random conversation at the table next to you, an auto driver humming the song that you were trying to remember all day, the sweet knowing smiles of complete strangers in a café, the lines in the book you are reading talking about your situation in a psychic sort of way. Jokes you can share with no one but yourself, that inner smile. All goes unnoticed when living in the over-stimulated life in the city. Yet, like cheap crack, it has an evil, masochistic hold on you that you know is killing you but you can't let it go.
The breath of life
Dances with you
Notes and light
You open your eyes
In innocent wonder
And a glowing smile
As you say surrender
And raise your arms high
And if right now was time to die
You'd do it without a sigh.
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